Nov 19, 2014

Whaddup yo! Assalamualaikum

Okay first of all, this is the first post ever after May, fuhhhh. How crazy time flies is it? Nah, actually I was too busy to update my blog with plus the smart phones that fits in everyone's hands nowadays, no one would bother themselves to switch on their notebooks unless for necessary or important things I guess. So, what happen in my life so far? What have I been doing. Well, I managed to finish my first semester in Pahang Matriculation College which is damnnnn far from Negeri Sembilan that makes a budak hingusan ages 18 being homesick sometimes or even more. TBH, Matriks was quite fun. I mean the life in it. I met a lot of new and different people with thousands characters and also talented which somehow makes me feel like a burned potato or a lazy cow that only loves to sleep the whole day. I met some new favourite people too that I would remember them forever in my life. Actually , I don't mind being far away from home as long as I have lovely people around me to push me, and  as long as I have those "sekepala" type friends, that's enough and yassss I have them and I am really thankful to Him, thanks to Him. He grant me lovely humans that always remind me of my assignments, motivate me and never fail to cheer me up even in my gloomy-saddy day. Oh , and I love this month (Its Nov!). Why ?Most probably as now I'm on my two weeks semester break and it will reach end in the very soon hmmmmm but thank God yeayyy I had so much fun plus tomorrow I'm gonna meet part of fav people in my life hiks but the sad thing is my girlfriend from Melaka, my close matriks buddy cant join me and my other friends hmmmm its okay I understand her.She has her own reasonns behind it tho. I hope tomorrow will be fun and super-duper-greaterrr-awesome yassss. Oh, but am shaking here. Thinking bout the upcoming final result for semester 1. Kill me for Mathematics and Biology haihhh I am very scared of these two subjects right now! *facepalm* , coz you know what? MATHS was really sucks , I never thought that it would be so hard af. Padahal my fav subject kot and Maths was the only subject that I managed to get A during our first matriculation test. OMG, now imagine how am gonna burn with this! And Biology, I was just okay with Biology I mean its not my really fav subject but I still have some portion of passions for it so its just fine but during the final, sadly I didnt do my essay part really well *screaming* I missed some points that I might forgot them or I totally didnt read the contents that the questions asked me to answer and listed all my points. Screwed me, I really really hope right now at least I cang et 3.5 aboveeee Aminnnnn. Ya Allah, sumpah cuak if kena tendang college ke waddeheck how to married educated guy nanti hahaha waddeheck I'm thinking I know, so itchy-bitchy kick my ass haha. I hope you'll pray for me. >3.5 Aminnnnn. And I promise myself I will struggle for sem 2 as the final result for matriks is they will total up the first sem result with the second one and get the average pointers. That's why we need to struggle more or maintain if you managed to get 4.0 during sem 1 final (lucky you smarty pants). I really wanna go for the Matriculation programmes, its about they will send some of the selected students to study abroad and come back home here as a lecturer for the courses that base on the subjects that they wanna teach. So, my favourite subject is Chemistry! Yassss coz I wanna discover and find the solutions on how to make a great Chemistry with a cool guy that's my crush or even a guy that I adore or even a guy that I stalk through Instagram haha wtf no lah, idek why but I really love Chemistry. So , I wanna be a great-tip-top-toe-classy-educated Chemistry Lecturer yeayyyy. Okay, again Aminnn. Okay, bye. Talk to you later again when I'm free. Take care, Xx! 

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