Dec 14, 2013


Sap yo ladies and gentleman . Haha , its been seriously deadly ages I don't update my blog . Now , I am back yeah #drumroll . Habak hang , ceq masa dulu SPM busy nauuuu . So , I got no time at all to update my blog . Hmmmm , blogging is a part of my life but basikal-ly , I got to focus on my school first . I mean my study , not my school -.- Sir Azman Handsome kan ada . Hehe . And , yeah  . I know its already late , but better late than never aite . I nak cakap , I AM NOT A STUDENT ANYMORE . Yeah . . . what a life . I spend most of my pre-adult time watching television , online and eat . I rarely eat nasi and I grabbed loads of junk food . I think its not good for me as I m growing up , and I should change in this phase of life . Actually , I have an intention . Highlighted = INTENTION to do part time but sinced I got the hell-yeah awesome PLKN . What should I do ? What to do what to observe hahahah seriously this is a clue for definition in exam . I really wanna have an IPhone 5 so I planned to work at Secret Recipe which is a stone's throw away from my home . But , I canceled the plan  , haaa no dad forbid me  . He told me that I should prepare for other things instead of aiming that IPhone . Lol , dad is true . Dad's words are meaningful , you better listen . Heeee , last week I went to Universal Studios Singapore and I had really great time there . If you plan to go there with your family for a vacation , don't ever you skip riding The Mummy Returns Roller Coaster and Transformers 4D Roller Coaster Adventure . It was hilarious at first when I kept screaming till I lost my voice haha (that is normal whenever I'm on a roller coaster) but truthfully I had so much fun and my heart really beat fast than usual as my sympathetic nerves raised it up till the peak of the hills of the ride and my parasympathetic nerves calmed me down like I used to this cray cray zee roller coasters . The most scariest ride in USS , unfortunately closed which is Human and Cyclone . Haha , if they really opened on the day I came they , probably majority of my heart was saying that ' No , I'm not going ' 'No , I'll run away' . So , I still don't pass the level of scared-ness towards roller coaster . Hmmmm , still not ready for those extreme one . Typical me , haihhhh . 

LOL . Peace out (:

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